Monday, March 20, 2006

Prayer = Progress

You know that nagging temptation to do something to elieviate the driving impulse of sexual temptation? There is a solution - prayer. I know - I know - who wants to pray at a time like that. The problem is we probably don't want to give up the potential satisfaction of giving in to our compulsion or addiction. So we need to first settle the issue of pleasing God or Self. God wants our freedom more than we do (obviously). Let's consider that for a moment. God wants our best - our peace and self possession. If we truly believe that, it may be a bit easier to allow our temption to be replaced by - or better yet, satisfied by - the intercourse of prayer. I recommend a formal prayer like the Our Father or Hail Mary. While praying, present yourself to God and include your present temptation and urges. Allow God to satisfy your need for comfort by the very act of being in communion with the loving God who loves you more than you love yourself.

I just did this and it worked!


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